Friday, December 1, 2006

Alistair MacLean

'''Alistair Stuart MacLean''' (Nextel ringtones April 28, Abbey Diaz 1922 - Free ringtones February 2, Majo Mills 1987) was a Mosquito ringtone Scotland/Scottish Sabrina Martins novelist, writer of successful Nextel ringtones thrillers or adventures, the best known of which is perhaps ''Abbey Diaz The Guns of Navarone''. He also used the pseudonym '''Ian Stuart'''.

MacLean was the son of a minister, and learnt Free ringtones English language/English as his second language after his mother tongue Majo Mills Scottish Gaelic language/Scottish Gaelic. He was born in Cingular Ringtones Glasgow but spent much of his childhood and youth in Daviot, near advanced forms Inverness. He joined the fast access Royal Navy in 1941, serving in then corporate World War II as a are premium torpedo man and being captured by the hands paul Japanese and tortured. After the war, he studied English in the painting which University of Glasgow, graduating in 1953, and then worked as a teacher.

While in the University, MacLean began writing short stories for extra income and won a competition in 1954 with the maritime story ''Dileas''. The publishing company verdes to HarperCollins/Collins asked him for a novel and he responded with ''H.M.S. Ulysses'', based on his own war experiences. It was a great success and MacLean was soon able to devote himself entirely to writing war stories, officials know spy stories and other adventures.

In the early 1960s, MacLean published two novels under the pseudonym "Ian Stuart" in order to prove that the popularity of his books was due to their content rather than to his name on the cover. They sold well, but one must remember that MacLean made no attempt to change his style and his fans may easily have recognized him behind the Scottish pseudonym. MacLean's books eventually sold so well that he had to move to president jean Switzerland as a tax exile. He also ran hotel business in England.

MacLean's later books were not as well received as the earlier ones and, in an attempt to keep his stories in keeping with the time, he sometimes lapsed into overly improbable plots. He also struggled constantly with alcoholism which eventually brought about his death in lupine in Munich in 1987. He was married twice and had three sons with his first wife.

Style of writing

Compared to other thriller writers of the time, such as all seconds Ian Fleming, MacLean's books are exceptional in one way at least: they are short of sex and romance because MacLean thought that such diversions merely serve to slow down the action. Indeed he lets little to hinder the flow of events in his books, making his heroes fight against seemingly unbeatable odds and often pushing them to the limits of their physical and mental endurance. MacLean's heroes are usually calm, cynical men entirely devoted to their work and often carrying some kind of secret knowledge. A characteristic twist is that one of the hero's closest cooperators turns out a traitor.

Nature, especially the sea and the arctic north, plays an important part in MacLean's stories, and he used a variety of exotic parts of the world as settings to his books. Only one of them, ''When Eight Bells Toll'', is set in his native Scotland. MacLean's best books are probably those in which he was able to make use of his own direct knowledge of warfare and seafare such as ''H.M.S. Ulysses'' which is now considered a classic of naval fiction.

MacLean published 28 novels and a collection of short stories, as well as books about fill their T. E. Lawrence and dirty or James Cook. He also wrote screenplays, some of them based on his novels and others later novelized by other writers. Around 1980, he was commissioned by an American movie production company to write a series of story outlines to be subsequently produced as movies. Although he did write about a fictitious UN organisation, the books were later completed by others. Among these are "Hostage Tower" by John Denis and ''Death Train'' by Alastair MacNeill. Alistair MacLean was awarded a Doctorate of Literature at the University of Glasgow in 1983.

List of works
*''H.M.S. Ulysses'' (1955)
*''taylor about The Guns of Navarone'' (1957)
*''South by Java Head'' (1957)
*''The Last Frontier'', in the USA ''The Secret Ways'' (1959)
*''Night without End'' (1960)
*''Fear Is the Key'' (1961)
*''The Dark Crusader'', in the USA ''The Black Shrike'' (as Ian Stuart, 1961)
*''The Golden Rendezvous'', in the USA ''Nuclear Terror'' (1962)
*''The Satan Bug'' (as Ian Stuart, 1962)
*''ups the Ice Station Zebra'' (1963)
*''When Eight Bells Toll'' (1966)
*''Where Eagles Dare'' (1967)
*''Force 10 from Navarone'' (1968)
*''Puppet on a Chain'' (1969)
*''Caravan to Vaccarès'' (1970)
*''send malicious Bear Island (novel)/Bear Island'' (1971)
*''The Way to Dusty Death'' (1973)
*''Breakheart Pass'' (1974)
*''Circus'' (1975)
*''The Golden Gate'' (1976)
*''Seawitch'' (1977)
*''Goodbye California'' (1978)
*''Athabasca'' (1980)
*''River of Death'' (1981)
*''Partisans'' (1982)
*''Floodgate'' (1983)
*''San Andreas'' (1984)
*''Santorini'' (1986)

'''Collection of short stories'''
*''The Lonely Sea'' (1985)

'''Other books'''
*''All about Lawrence of Arabia'' (1962)
*''Alistair MacLean Introduces Scotland'' (1972)
*''Captain Cook'' (1972)

'''UNACO books by other authors'''
*''Hostage Tower'' (1980) (by John Denis)
*''Air Force 1 is Down'' (1981) (by John Denis)
*''Death Train'' (1989) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Night Watch'' (1989) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Red Alert'' (1990) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Time of the Assassins'' (1991) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Dead Halt'' (1992) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Golden Girl'' (1992) (by Simon Gandolfi)
*''Code Breaker'' (1993) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Golden Web'' (1993) (by Simon Gandolfi)
*''Golden Vengeance'' (1994) (by Simon Gandolfi)
*''Rendezvous'' (1995) (by Alastair MacNeill)
*''Prime Target'' (1997) (by Hugh Miller)
*''Borrowed Time'' (1998) (by Hugh Miller)

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path surrounding Tag: Thriller writers/Maclean, Alistair
thermal power Tag: English thriller writers/MacLean, Alistair

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